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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z
Hints & Cheats for....
Nintendo 64     


Playstation 2


A2 Racer 2                   Age of Empires 2            Ants                  

Aargh!                         Age of wonders              Apache

Abandoned Places         Aggressor                      Arcade america

Abaron                        Agile Warrior                  Archimedean Dynasty

Abe's Oddyssey           AH-64D Longbow           Archipelagos

Abuse                         AHX1                            Ares rising

Abyss                         Airline tycoon                 Armored fist

Aces over europe         Alien breed                    Aromored fist 2

Achtung spitfire           Alien carnage                Army men

Action fighter              Alien logic                    Ascendancy

Actua soccer 3
           Alien rampage              Asghan - the dragon slayer

Actua soccer               Alien vs. Predator        Ashes to ashes

Actua Tennis
              Alien trilogy                ATF

After the war               Amberstar                 A-train


Afterlife                      Amok

Age of empires            Anno 1602